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Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity: Believe in Jesus
That Fundamental Doctrine has never changed. It is simply to believe in Jesus, the Son of God. He invites all to "Come." Including you!
Mar 138 min read

Christian Theology: How To Know Jesus & His Will For You
Christian Theology focuses on Jesus Christ. It is both deep and simple from “Jesus Loves Me” to the 3125 articles of Thomas Aquinas.
Mar 1210 min read

"City of God:" Augustine and Bunyan
The City of God is a Biblical concept that Augustine and John Bunyan used to create literary masterpieces about that ideal, eternal place.
Jan 158 min read

A Review of "Confessions" by St. Augustine
"Confessions" is a Literary Masterpiece - an autobiography, a dialogue with God, a philosophical book of questioning, and a book of prayer.
Jan 139 min read

12 False Doctrines: Lies from the Devil
False doctrines are as old as the Bible. They are all denial and contradictions of God’s Word. We see this right from the dawn of time.
Jan 89 min read

How to Hear the Word of God
Hearing the Word of God is essential. Everyone has a measure of faith, but we need to read the Bible for it to grow. Hear as you read!
Dec 18, 20245 min read

Book of Revelation: A Divine View of the Cosmos
Revelation “reveals” Jesus as He is NOW, in heaven, with all power, looking out for us. We can’t grasp the Bible without knowing its end.
Dec 13, 20247 min read

7 Ways to Know Jesus Better
Everyone knows something about Jesus but we all can use some help knowing how to know Jesus better. Discover 7 ways we can know Jesus better
Dec 11, 20245 min read

What is Theology? Talking to God.
Theology is simply talking about God. The combination of the Greek for “God” and “word” that could be defined as “God talk” = “theology.
Dec 9, 20247 min read

The Lord Jesus Christ: What His 3 Names Mean
Who is Jesus? He is Lord, He is Jesus, and He is Christ. Each of these facets gives us a unique understanding of His fundamental identity.
Dec 6, 20245 min read

Born Again: Seeing the Kingdom of God
Born Again: A Gift of Faith and Love. The first step is SEEING the kingdom; to enter in we must be born of water and the Holy Spirit.
Dec 4, 20244 min read

How Does the World End? A Biblical Account
How Does the World End? The Bible tells us that Jesus returns, restores creation, judges the wicked and takes His sheep to heaven!
Nov 27, 20246 min read

What Happened Before the Big Bang?
What happened before the Big Bang? Most people don't ask, and even fewer have the answer, but the Bible does! Jesus was there! working!
Nov 25, 20245 min read

Systematic Theology: Scary Puzzle or Sacred Picture?
Systematic theology is a way of looking logically, thoroughly, and focally at a single truth from all that scripture says on one subject
Nov 22, 20248 min read

Thanksgiving in the Bible: Basis for Prayer
Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude, a heart attitude that honors the LORD with praise and rejoicing for His goodness and mercy.
Nov 8, 20246 min read

Your Body is a Temple: A Home for the Holy Spirit
14. What? Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you and you are not your own? St. Paul 1 Corinthians 6:19
Nov 4, 202413 min read

Are People Good? The Bible says, "Yes!"
Are People Good? The Bible says God created us good. Every soul is so valuable that Jesus died to save him. What was the problem? Sin!
Nov 1, 20247 min read

Understanding Biblical Chronology
The Chronological Account of the Bible covers 4070 years from Genesis to Revelation. But its books are not so ordered. Here is help!
Oct 30, 202415 min read

The History of the Devil: God's Implacable Foe
The devil is a fallen angel who hates God & His creation. He lies and deceives to destroy our faith. He wants us to worship him, not Jesus.
Oct 25, 20247 min read

"Christianity and Liberalism": faith, truth & love vs unbelief
Christianity and Liberalism: Truth or Sophistry? J Gresham Machen assails false use of Christianity's language by those who deny its power.
Oct 21, 202415 min read
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